After seeing wrinkle free travel clothes in a catalog, experienced road
trippers might ask, "Why bother? Who cares what I look like on a road
If you won't be seeing anyone you know on your trip, and you plan on eating all your meals at Hometown Buffet and below, then this is a valid point. You can just pull on wrinkled clothes every day and it won't matter (nor will we judge you).
But some people like to treat themselves to a decent restaurant meal or two during a long road trip. Or, they may be driving to see relatives or good friends, and they don't want to look like they slept in their clothes when they reach their destination.
For these folks, we heartily recommend wrinkle free travel clothes.
See, not every hotel room is equipped with an ironing board (in fact, most of the cheap motel rooms we've slept in don't provide this convenience).
Plus, if you actually care about your clothes getting wrinkled, you'll have to pack more carefully, which requires, y'know, effort and time.
So, how to find travel clothes that are comfortable yet won't look like a wreck when you arrive? Here's what to look for:
If all else fails (and it's bound to at some point), you can always ask for an iron in the hotel office or use a spray-on fabric relaxant. But you might want to invest in wrinkle free travel clothes.
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